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Call & Response:
A Cross-Disciplinary Arts Symposium
April 20, 2013
Temple University, Philadelphia
Bringing together artists and scholars to investigate intersections of visual art, music, theater, and dance. Organized and moderated by Susanna W. Gold.

Kariamu & Co.: Traditions
Indigo Rhythms: A Tribute to Charles Searles

Kariamu & Co.: Traditions
Indigo Rhythms: A Tribute to Charles Searles

Kariamu & Co.: Traditions
Indigo Rhythms: A Tribute to Charles Searles

Kariamu & Co.: Traditions
Indigo Rhythms: A Tribute to Charles Searles

Dr. Michael D. Harris, keynote
"Rhythm-a-ning: Cultural Performance and Charles Searles"

Maya Freelon Asante
Set design, Indigo Rhythms

Call & Response panelists
Kariamu Welsh, Michael D. Harris, Maya Freelon Asante, Marie Anne Chiment
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