Magnum Foundation Fund, 2018
Nominating Committee
The Magnum Foundation Fund propels the field of social documentary photography into the 21st century and supports diversity in the field. The Fund provides grants and project development support to both emerging and experienced practitioners, with an emphasis on photographers working within their communities. Among this year's nominators is Susanna Gold.

"Orinoko Women's Journal," Colombia. Liz at the Orinoco River’s tepui rocks, looking towards Venezuela. Puerto Carreño, Vichada Department, Colombia, 2017.

"Be Alarmed: The Black Americana Epic" Movement I - The Visions Presskit, Film Still #8, 2013

"Nyaope," Katlehong, South Africa, 2014. Tshepo wears a t-shirt that says, "Angel," it belongs to his girlfriend.

"Exodus," Ulpur, Gopalganj, Bangaldesh, 2016. Tomb of the Queen.

Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina, 1999.

"Santa Barbara, CA." Arrival: It was 1996. We had spent years watching the soap opera Santa Barbara, and suddenly we were there.

"Eclipse," Berguni, Parsa, Nepal, 2016. Bambaiya wanted me to buy his fish.

"Feminist Memory Project," Nepal.
Projects selected for support:
Eclipse by Sagar Chhetri, contending with issues of identity within Nepal’s Madhesi community
Orinoco Women’s Journal by Juanita Escobar, focusing on women who live along the Orinoco River, marking the Colombia–Venezuela border
Santa Barbara by Diana Markosian, exploring immigration through the eyes of her family and examining the role of a 1980s soap opera in constructing her American Dream
The Philly Bop by Tiona Nekkia McClodden, exploring a Philadelphia-based social dance through an autoethnographic lens
Feminist Memory Project by the Nepal Picture Library, building an extensive visual archive of women’s movements and women in pivotal moments of Nepali history
Exodus by Sarker Protick, focusing on abandoned feudal estates and decaying landscapes in Bangladesh following the 1947 partition of Bengal
Nyaope by Lindokhule Sobekwa, stories from within a community of drug users in the townships surrounding Johannesburg, South Africa
On Andean Ground: The Yawar Fiesta by Martin Weber, looking at culture clashes in Latin America through an annual Andean ritual of resistance.