"Surreally": Matthew Courtney
with Mark J. Dixon, Andre Rubin, Etta Winigrad
March 10- April 7, 2018
NoBA Artspaces, Bala Cynwyd, PA

Clay and glaze, dimensions vary

Clay and glaze,10” x 6.5” x 6.5”

Clay and glaze, 10” x 7” x 6. Also in series: History, Accounting, Law, Computer Science, Art Book

Clay and glaze, 30” x 39” x 26

Terracotta and wood, 7” x 10” x 4”
Matthew Courtney’s unpredictable collections of objects; Mark J. Dixon’s vacant, dream-like landscapes; Andre Rubin’s collaging of disparate pictorial elements; and Etta Winigrad’s unusual (and sometimes slightly disturbing) disrupted human forms all reference aspects of Surrealism while remaining distinct from the Surrealist tradition. Through diverse methods and mediums, these four artists offer new approaches to representing the unconscious. Provided with little direct explanation of why these artists create what they do, viewers are encouraged to respond intuitively, using their own logic to find connections between the work and themselves.
Curated jointly by Susanna W. Gold, Ph.D.; Jay Walker, Director of NoBA Artspaces; Maria Krabill, The ARTillerie Group; and Zalman Wircberg, Old City Jewish Art Center.